I’m Hooda Soodi, my name literally means guide, which is fitting for what I do in life.My work is my contribution and promise to making the world a better place and I take this personal mission statement to heart.
I could add several descriptors after my name (MBA, CEO, Strategist, Executive Coach, Facilitator, Writer, Speaker) but the one that matters most to me is human that truly cares. This humans' purpose is to make an impact and positive difference in the humbling experience we all share and call LIFE. I have a particular affinity for entrepreneurs and the challenges we face as we build our businesses and live our lives. Incase you are asking yourself why… it’s because I’m one of you. I come from a long line of entrepreneurs so I blame my genes. My professional career began in corporate America thanks to my MBA breeding. This period of time was both a curse and a blessing. Some may describe these corporate experiences as ‘soul sucking’, I choose to remember that they have served me well. My next formative leap, the startup arena, began in Silicon Valley where this reality was a breath of fresh air with a set of very unique challenges. My propensity to grow and explore continued to push me in new directions. This led to my vast international business experience, which exceeds 20 years and has spanned roles as diverse as (corporate strategist, financial analyst, sales & marketing director, executive coach) and across industries (fashion, financial services, technology, digital media, wellness, and entertainment). I’m currently planted in Italy and I’m blessed to have had the privilege of living and working in 4 different continents and traveling to at least 50 countries. (Still currently spending a fair bit of time on a plane) This melting pot of cultures, knowledge, training and personal experience allows me to help my clients navigate our constantly changing and demanding environment. I help them manage change, set priorities, leverage strengths, improve communication, strengthen relationships, overcome crisis, foster authenticity, grow leaders, and build success one individual at a time. It is not only the pragmatic solutions that matter, which I help you reach, it is also the intangible outcomes that bring heart and soul back into your business and life. I look forward to learning how I may help you have not only a successful business but a successful life. Hooda received her coaching certification with Harvard Sociologist Dr. Martha Beck. She holds an MBA from Thunderbird School of Global Management. She is a Board Member for the Professional Women’s Association with more than 3500 members across Europe and is the CEO of The Can Do Mindset. |
Why - The Can Do Mindset?Because believing - You Can - is 90% of the battle.
It's not wishful thinking. It's science. The secret to finding the success that matters most to you, is to understand your mind, why you do what you do and feel what your feel. By making the effort to notice and learn; you can overcome any obstacle, reach your goals, and live your dreams. The simple truth is no matter how lofty our goals are, or how we define success, what we are really trying to do is to become happier. Now many of the individuals we come across in the business world are highly skeptical and a little nervous when they hear this intangible adjective (Happy) used. I use to be one of them. In the spirit of transparency I am 'outing' myself and saying very openly that I'm here to make you, your people, and perhaps your business happier and healthier. This may seem "too soft" for some, but this revolutionary approach is responsible for improving not only your emotional wellbeing but the bottom line. The Can Do Mindset is how you find the success you are craving both in your business and in your life. My process includes understanding behavior and habits in order to change what needs changing and encourage what needs nurturing and growth. It's also a process that included setting the INTENTIONS, paying ATTENTION to your mindset, and having the ATTITUDE necessary to make it all work and connect seamlessly. Are you ready to begin the work? “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy |
Coaching Expertise: